Build Your Traffic Safety Ecosystem


You rely on law enforcement officers to enforce traffic safety in your community. Unfortunately, they can’t keep watch over every road, neighborhood, school zone, and work area 24/7/365.

Strategically placed radar speed signs and speed trailers have been proven to slow down speeding vehicles by up to 9 miles per hour, and they have been shown to be most effective on the drivers who are speeding the most.

Radar speed signs

The Building Blocks of an Effective Traffic Safety System

1. Knowledge

Knowledge empowers change. Street Dynamics products are perfect for both collecting and sharing traffic data with drivers, law enforcement officers, schools, cities, and HOAs.

2. Awareness

Many drivers are don’t realize that they are speeding until they pass by a “YOUR SPEED” sign (or a police vehicle!) and it encourages them to slow down.

3. Location

Being able to easily relocate your radar speed signs and messaging trailers lets you reach more drivers while making sure that no one gets used to your sign and starts to ignore it.

4. Communication

Traffic safety is about so much more than slow speeds. It is also about  alerting drivers about dangerous roads, reminding them to watch for pedestrians and cyclists, and even thanking them for driving safely.

5. Incentives

Reminding drivers that there may be serious consequences associated with speeding is what it takes to save lives. Collect traffic data to share with law enforcement agencies and other stakeholders.

Perfect Pairings

Work Zone

an MC360 message trailer with a PMG radar speed and messaging sign

Dual Message Signs

Awareness, Location, Communication, Incentives

Get drivers’ attention with a MC360 message sign that they can’t miss, then remind them to maintain their reduced speeds partway through your construction area with a PMG radar speed and messaging sign. If drivers are going too fast, program either sign to flash a message, graphic, or animation to get their attention. 

HOA Watch

The Stalker Street Dynamics PMG used alongside the Traffic Data Collector 2

“Your Speed” Sign + Traffic Data Collector 2

Knowledge, Awareness, Location, Communication, Incentives

Alert people driving through your community to slow down with a PMG radar speed and messaging sign (add a strobe if you want to really get their attention!). A bit farther down the road, install a TDC 2 to collect traffic data to discreetly check to make sure that drivers aren’t speeding up right after they pass your sign.

School Spirit

MC360 and SAM3

Message Sign + Speed Trailer

Awareness, Location, Communication

The array of motorists and pedestrians that accompanies any major campus event, like game days, graduations, or even the first day of school, can cause chaos and dangerous road conditions. Use an MC360 to clearly communicate event information, and then place a few SAM-R speed trailers around campus to increase traffic safety for your students.

Man considering radar speed signs

How to Assemble Your Traffic Safety Ecosystem

The Street Dynamics TDC 2. Collect traffic data anywhere with this small, lightweight, portable traffic data collector.

1) Understand the full extent of the problem.

If you aren’t quite sure how problematic a particular street is, but you are receiving concerns and complaints from residents, a Traffic Data Collector 2 can give you detailed data about the number and speed of passing vehicles, their classification (i.e., semi-truck, car, motorcycle, etc.), the 85th percentile speeds, and the times/days where people are speeding most frequently. The TDC 2 can be easily moved from one location to another, so you can survey multiple areas to know exactly where traffic safety problems are occurring.

2) Decide on your initial goal.

Are you working to accomplish a city-wide traffic safety mission, such as achieving a Vision Zero goal of zero traffic fatalities? Or are you focused on a particular street or neighborhood that are known for speeding drivers creating dangerous situations for fellow motorists, residents, children in school zones, or other pedestrians?

Understanding the scope of your goal can help you strategize about the number of radar speed signs and message trailers that may be needed to accomplish the goal in your desired timeframe (a shorter timeframe may necessitate a much more visible slow down campaign, requiring more signs).

A "Your Speed" sign from Street Dynamics

3) Decide if your problem is best solved by a mobile solution, a pole-mounted solution, or a combinatin of both.

If you are trying to slow down drivers in a construction zone, then mobile, trailer-based speed signs are going to be your best bet. If you are trying to create safer school zones, our pole-mounted PMG “SLOW DOWN” signs will likely serve you better. Sometimes a combination of several PMG “YOUR SPEED” signs in a neighborhood coupled with a speed trailer allows you to maintain a visible presence on your most problematic streets, while also giving you a radar speed sign that you can move around the area to extend the reach of your slow down safety zone.

We have been offering radar speed signs, message trailers, and speed trailers for many years, and are happy to share our traffic safety experience and answer any questions you may have.

SAM 3 speed trailer detecting speed of oncoming traffic

4) Order your signs!

Our signs are built-to-order, and can be customized by adding solar panels, choosing your paint color, and a selecing from variety of other options that are available for each product type. Click the button below to call one of our friendly Customer Service Experts today.